Crafted with Conscience - Empowering Bamboo Villages for A Sustainable and Prosperous Future.

our value
Ethically Made
We work with kinship and fair-trade principles to ensure they get the best benefits from our collaboration. Our products are made as natural as possible so that they are friendly to the environment and – most importantly – to you.

Our Value
Working with bamboo requires lots of hands involved from the plantations to the crafting process. The products you support are impacting socially and economically to our artisans, their children, relatives, neighbors, and all the way back to the bamboo cutters. We keep using bamboo to save the plant from being cut down because they are now valuable which is good for the ecosystem sustainability.

Our Value
Power of Cooking and Eating
Dapur is the heart of our local culture. It resembles to womb because it nourishes and where the element of men (fire) and women (soil) combines to create (food). Taking its name, we believe cooking and eating activities is the center of society. It is, also, where we can find most of traditional bamboo crafts and its wisdoms. We are now taking it back to your daily life.